Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekly Sales Quinny 01274BLK Sale!

Great Deal, Buy Quinny 01274BLK

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Quinny 01274BLK On Sale!

Category: Baby Product
Brand: Quinny
Model: 01274BLK
Availability: Ships FREE within 48 hours.
List Price : N/A
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Quinny 01274BLK Customer reviews

Quinny 01274BLK Review by R C (Colorado)

I have had this stroller for a year.
PROS: My son is 2 now and has always loved riding in the Zapp. I think the seat is incredibly comfy for him. When I was testing strollers out at the store he wouldn't get out of this one so that helped in the decision! When I bought this my son was a year old and would not fall asleep in the stroller anymore so the fact that it doesn't recline was no big deal. It folds down to nothing. It's very easy to steer (one-handed no problem), and turns like a dream. The brake has always worked great and I feel safe taking my hands off of it with the brake on. It comes with its own bag and I noticed a few reviews said you have to take the front wheels off in order to fit it in the bag. This is not true. The wheels need to be turned in for it to fit, and it's a squeeze as the bag is contoured to fit the stroller, but I can definitely get it in there!

CONS: When I took it home I noticed the wheels sounded like grocery cart wheels. I couldn't believe this was normal so I called Quinny. Apparently this is a common problem because without hesitation they sent me new wheels, free. So I guess the con is having to wait for the new wheels to arrive and install them, the pro being that it was hassle-free otherwise. I was a bit annoyed I had to buy a separate cup holder (Munchkin brand). The basket under the stroller is awkward to access and holds very little. The canopy isn't very good and I wish it had more of an angle to block the strong Colorado sun (if your kid will wear a hat or sunglasses then lucky you!). Also it is a bit of a pain to open and close. About 6 months ago it started to stick when I would try closing it and I still don't know the secret to why it's doing that. It's true that you cannot put your purse, diaper bag, or shopping bags on the handles, it will make the stroller fall backwards. My son a few times has made it fall backward when in a tantrum and slamming his body front to back. He's never been injured because the stroller just falls onto the handlebars, so his head is still secure, but of course there are a lot of other situations where this would be very dangerous if you're not paying close attention.

Would I buy this stroller again? No. I think there's better out there. I LOVE the style, so I wish they could keep the modern look while addressing these issues.

Quinny 01274BLK Review by M. Doherty (Boston, MA)

Ok, I agree that folding the stroller before getting on the plane is a good idea but whatever you do, if you have a long layover and a heavy child, do not gate check your stroller. The whole point to this stroller is to take it on the plane and I will never let it out of my sight on a trip again after having to carry my son for 4+ hours each on 2 layovers and then being without a stroller for 2 days when I finally got to my destination (thank you American Airlines...) If you can't fold it alone, I imagine that one of the gate agents would hold your child for the 20 seconds it takes to fold the stroller. I also think the folding is tough and was jealous when I saw a mom fold her Peg Perego with one hand and one click. But then again, hers was HUGE! I simply don't have that much room in my trunk or in my car which is why we use this stroller instead of our Buzz for most things now that my son is old enough to sit up comfortably. Which is another plus that some comments said was a minus, because the child is sitting upright, they can see a lot more; this keeps my son happy and he's more likely to stay in his stroller, saving my back. We also wish we had the reclining version (Zapp Ultra) but we didn't want to spend so much because we weren't sure we were going to use it after our trip. If you are short on space or want/need to make sure that your stroller makes it to your destination with you, I would highly recommend this stroller. Even if you just don't want your whole trunk taken up with just the baby stroller, this is a great option. One thing that would have been smart is to have put a mechanism on the bag so you can snap the front wheels on to it when you take them off the stroller and convert it to a wheeled bag. Wouldn't that have been great?

Quinny 01274BLK Review by D. West (Cleveland, OH)

I got this stroller together with the Maxi Cosi car seat, and have used it mainly as the base for the car seat. This had its pros and cons:

Looks REALLY cool -received tons of compliments
Folds pretty compactly, not as long or bulky as lots of other car seat frames
handles pretty well, though not really a one-handed operation
SUPER compact to take to restaurants and other tight places. This is probably the biggest "pro", since you can fold the handle down and push the stroller all the way to the table.

Difficult to insert and remove the seat, since the process required two hands.
It takes some fiddling to get the seat to snap onto the adapters
At 18lbs, it is still pretty heavy
Maneuverability is not as good as I had hoped

Now that my son has outgrown his infant car seat, however, I find the actual stroller insufficient for our needs since it does not have a recline. (The 2011 model does, but this requires taking off the seat, which is something I wouldn't like either.) I do like how upright the stroller places the baby - my son is a fan of that - but we can only use it for short trips since he cannot nap in it. Yet at 18lbs, this makes for a pretty hefty umbrella stroller, and we just end up reaching for the Maclaren Volo instead. I still love the way it looks, the blue is a lovely, rich color... but I really wish the seat had a recline feature.

So I would rate it 3 stars for utility, plus another star for the sheer coolness factor, but I'm afraid I'll still have to sell mine...

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Quinny Zapp, 2009/2010, 4 Wheel, Stroller, Black:: Description

Quinny Zapp 4 StrollerNow with an increased 50 lb weight limit, the Quinny Zapp 4 Stroller will take you from 6 months into your child's toddler years!Lightweight and ultra compact, the Quinny Zapp stroller is perfect for those who travel. The Zapp comes with a travel bag, sun canopy, rain cover, and car seat adapter, so there is not need to buy expensive accessories! With its super compact fold and ultra lightweight aluminum frame, this stroller is ideal for travel. The Zapp stroller is compatible with the Maxi-Cosi Mico Infant car seat.

Quinny Zapp, 2009/2010, 4 Wheel, Stroller, Black:: Technical Details

  • Convenient storage basket keeps supplies close by
  • Ultra lightweight aluminum frame with compact fold
  • Rain shield, canopy and travel bag for easy transport
  • Compatible with Maxi Cosi Mico infant car seat
  • Accommodates child up to 50 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions: 28 x 11 x 12 inches; 18 pounds
  • Brand: Quinny
  • Model: 01274BLK
  • Product Type: Baby Product

Quinny 01274BLK:Limited time only!

Tags : Best Price Quinny Zapp, 2009/2010, 4 Wheel, Stroller, Black, Best Buy Quinny 01274BLK Lowest Price, Quinny Zapp, 2009/2010, 4 Wheel, Stroller, Black on Sale, Quinny Zapp, 2009/2010, 4 Wheel, Stroller, Black Review, Great Deals Quinny Zapp, 2009/2010, 4 Wheel, Stroller, Black, Cheap Quinny 01274BLK.

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